How to Measure Process Capability ?

Process capability is measured using indices like Cpk and Ppk, which assess how well a process can consistently produce products or services within specified tolerance limits.

The capability indices can be calculated manually, although there are several software packages available that can complete the calculations and provide graphical data illustrating process capability. For the example in this section, we will utilize a popular statistical software package. For our example, we will utilize data from randomly collected measurements of a key characteristic of a machined part. To better represent the population values, the sample data must be randomly collected, preferably over time from a large production run. A few things to keep in mind:

  • Our data is quantitative and variable
  • Our data consists of 100 measurements
  • The target dimension is 25.4 mm
  • USL (Upper Specification Limit) = 25.527 mm
  • LSL (Lower Specification Limit) = 25.273 mm
  • Range = 0.254 mm

First, we will examine our data with a simple histogram to determine if it could fit a normal distribution. In addition, we can generate a probability plot evaluating our data’s best fit to a line further indicating we are 95% confident that our data fits a normal distribution.

Now let us examine the Process capability report:

  • Cp (Process Capability = 1.68
  • Cpk (Process Capability Index) = 1.66

Using the graph, we can further evaluate process capability by comparing the spread or range of the product specifications to the spread of the process data, as measured by Six Sigma (process standard deviation units).

Through examination of the reports, we can determine that our example process is in a state of statistical control. All the data points fall well within the specification limits with a normal distribution. A process where almost all the measurements fall inside the specification limits is deemed a capable process. Process capability studies are valuable tools when used properly. As previously mentioned the information gained is generally used to reduce waste and improve product quality. In addition, by knowing your process capabilities, the design team can work with manufacturing to improve product quality, and processes that are “not in control” may be targeted for improvement. During a typical Kaizen event or other quality improvement initiatives, Process Capability is calculated at the start and end of the study to measure the level of improvement achieved. Accurate knowledge of process capability enables management to make decisions regarding where to apply available resources based on data.

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Saniya Gazala

Saniya Gazala is a Computer Science graduate from Reva University. She began as a manual tester, honing her skills in defect identification and problem-solving. Transitioning to technical writing, she simplified complex tech concepts for users. Her journey is marked by continuous learning and growth in the tech industry.

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