
A histogram is a graphical representation of the distribution of data, showing the frequency or count of values within specific intervals or "bins."
  • The histogram approach, as illustrated in Fig. 1, has other uses. It is useful when reviewing the locations for environmental monitoring, for instance. Suppose, for example, that three active air samples are taken within a cleanroom. If the microbiologist wished to remove one of the air samples in order to save time and money, by constructing a histogram with all three samples and then constructing a histogram with one sample removed allows a comparison to be made. If the proportion of zero results does not significantly alter then there could be a case to be made for removing one of the air samples.
  • Histograms also help with displaying data to look for incidents of contamination, such as for reviewing the frequencies of incidences above zero against historical data. This enables “frequency of incident” comparisons to be performed on a regular basis in order to examine cleanrooms for trends.
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Saniya Gazala

Saniya Gazala is a Computer Science graduate from Reva University. She began as a manual tester, honing her skills in defect identification and problem-solving. Transitioning to technical writing, she simplified complex tech concepts for users. Her journey is marked by continuous learning and growth in the tech industry.

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